Tuesday, 15 March 2011

How do we share ourselves authentically in social media?

It seems to me that with all this social media available to us, it’s relatively easy to create any kind of persona we fancy and with the right ‘marketing strategy’ (or so they tell you...), anyone can strike it rich. 

But this is the challenge of our times.  To have the courage to go beyond the surface of things, to take down all notions of needing to wear a mask or needing to protect ourselves from the ‘big bad world’ out there, and realise the intrinsic beauty and goodness that is at the heart of every single being on this planet (and the planet herself, for that matter!). 

I have been thinking about this a lot, mostly because I know I have a lot to share with the world and yet I constantly hit against these places of conditioning inside of me that tell me it’s not for me, or i can’t do it or i don’t have the right message and so on.....

So much of what is available to us speaks essentially of how to have more money, as if we still believed the myth that having money was the answer.  It sure is nice, it takes the pressure off in many ways, and yet in other ways, we can really miss out having money – we can afford to book a hotel room but we spend our time alone and miss connecting with the angels we meet when we ‘couchsurf’, we can afford to plan in advance and lose the joy and magic of spontaneously being in the moment, because the universe is providing exactly what we need, exactly when we need it...

One of the gifts of social media is that we can take the risk to be authentic and there are some wonderful examples of people doing just that, but it does take courage and we have to trust that this is truly what people want. 

I was recently speaking to a friend who was momentarily struggling and he said to me ‘i’m just searching on the internet for something to give me meaning’ or words to that effect.  What we are seeking often is connection, love, relationship that really represents us, especially if we feel that our work colleagues or our family and friends don’t really see or understand the deepest aspects of ourselves.  The internet gives us a little anonymity, a space in which we can explore what it feels like to be real, to express ourselves wholeheartedly, communicate our struggles and our successes and connect with people who can truly share in both.  If we continue to mask up and create strategies, we continue to perpetuate this myth that we are imperfect as we are...

What we most need in the world today is LOVE and that always has to start with ourselves.  So i’m going to step in and risk what I’ve probably been scared of.  I’m going to write – whatever is there – authentically and wholeheartedly.  The clarity, the struggles, the suggestions and tips.  But i’m going to write it from the heart, not as a strategy, but as a way to give you value, because I know in my heart that what i’m learning is universal and can benefit many people if i can find the words to express it.  I invite you to join me as I share my own experiences with healing (myself and others), teaching healing, awakening, spirituality, friendship and leaping into the unknown.  And i welcome you to share your journey with me: write, comment, respond ask questions.  Let us grow together in the realisation that we are truly ONE being expressing itself in many forms
Blessed Be

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