Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Meditation to enhance your intention setting process

Here is an offering for everyone doing the 40-day intention setting process. Let me know how you get on...

The meditation that occurs to me is a metaphorical one of gardening. Sometimes the garden of our mind becomes overwhelmed with the weeds of past experiences and thoughts, judgements and evaluations. At these times, there's hardly any space for the new and beautiful flowers of our intentions to take root and blossom.

Make sure that you have a notebook with you or some pieces of paper to jot things down on and if possible, find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed.

Sit in a sacred place and allow yourself to settle. Take 5 deep slow breaths and feel the weight of your body resting on the earth.

Start by imagining a garden over-run by weeds. This garden represents your subconscious. In the garden, all the weeds are the fruits of past experiences, thoughts and judgements of yourself and others. Walk through the garden and find a spot that calls to you. Gently start pulling out the weeds and throwing them onto the compost heap, where Mother Earth can transform them into incredible nourishment for the seeds you are about to plant. Make sure you take out the roots, use a spade or trowel if you need to. Some of the weeds might be stubborn, like brambles are, and need a bit of working. Take your time, take out as many weeds as you can. As you are weeding, write down words to represent the weeds - names, memories, qualities of behaviour and offer them to the divine. Let them go.

Once you have a patch of ground that is free of weeds, take some beautiful seeds and start to plant them. The seeds represent all the aspects of your intention that you are aware of, for example creativity, compassion, patience, self-love, abundance, partnership.... whatever you can imagine fits into your intention, plant a seed of it. You can have a love bush, and a patience tree, blossoming creativity... an incredible garden that represents your intention.

Once the seeds are planted, collect water and gently water them. Say a prayer to the sun to shine on them and nourish them. Ask the angels to watch over them and support them as they grow.

Everyday, come back to the garden and tend to the seeds you have planted, pull out any weeds that start to grow back and make sure the new plants have water and nutrients. If you want to, you could invite friends and loved ones to dance and play with you there, or even help with the weeding and planting!

If there are further parts of the garden that you need to weed and plant, take the time to do that. If you tend to a small area everyday, soon you will have an amazing blossoming garden full of everything you need to fulfill on your intention!

I hope you enjoy this meditation, I plan to record it and make it available to you all in the next few days!

Blessings and Love

1 comment:

  1. This is such a great resource that you are providing and you give it away for free ENERGY HEALING.
